
At Tiger of Sweden, we know people are vital to our success and believe that those who produce our products have a fundamental right to safe and fair working conditions.
Today, all our production partners and most of our mills are disclosed on our website. By 2030 we aim to achieve complete visibility across our supply chain, including our raw material suppliers, material suppliers, and factories.
Our Suppliers
We have close relationships with our suppliers and visit them regularly to ensure that our standards are met.
View our garment suppliers: Tiger of Sweden Supplier List
View our fabric suppliers: Tiger of Sweden Fabric Supplier List
Worker Rights
Our Code of Conduct states that we work actively to protect worker health and safety, and we wholeheartedly support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlined in the United Nations Global Compact principles 1-6. It further ensures our compliance with international conventions such as the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and Recommendations.
We have been members of the Amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (Amfori BSCI) since 2007. The majority of our suppliers are enrolled and audited through the Amfori BSCI programme. Additionally many of our suppliers are members of other social compliance initiatives of equal measure. The Amfori BSCI code of conduct is covered here: amfori BSCI - amfori.